Old Westbury Gardens

Print on Demand

Explore a beautiful historic mansion and 200 acres of formal gardens.

More Details

Old Westbury Gardens is the former home of John S. Phipps, his wife, Margarita Grace Phipps and their children. The magnificent Charles II-style mansion is nestled amid 200 acres of formal gardens, landscaped grounds, woodlands, ponds and lakes. Westbury House is furnished with fine English antiques and decorative arts from the more than fifty years of the family’s residence. Westbury Gardens welcomes visitors of all ages for guided tours of Westbury House and Gardens, in-depth tours of the formal gardens, children’s programs and events, family programs, museum exhibits, and much more.

71 Old Westbury Road
Old Westbury, NY 11568

Phone number:


Pass provides:
Admission for two adults & six children (under the age of 18)
Discount at the gift shop
Discount at the cafe

Please Note: Old Westbury Gardens participates in the American Horticultural Society Reciprocal Admissions Program that provides admission and discounts at 300+ gardens and arboreta in the US & Canada. Visit the https://ahsgardening.org/gardening-programs/rap/ for a list of gardens that accept the Old Westbury Gardens pass.

This is a print on demand pass, so please reserve it for the actual day you would like to visit the location.